These are some bold and whimsical bib necklaces in eccentric color combinations!
We named them katogo, which means a mix of stuff, usually food, in Luganda (a local language in Uganda). And, yes, these are a mix of colors, beads and shapes in a stunning and a funky design that is both creative and bold. Can you tell I love it?
These were designed by Robinah, one of our team lead artisans in Kampala. She is so very talented and creative!
These are quite unusual as they are made from paper beads in different shapes. Each paper bead is rolled tightly and then varnished 5 times for durability prior to being strung into a necklace.
Lengths are about 14 inches.
The seed beeds in between the paper beads and around the neck are clear white.
Pick from 2 color variations and labeled based on the accent paperbeads around the neck (yellow or brown), please the pictures.